Tuesday, March 30, 2021

A Creature Featured: My First Time At The Zoo And Favorite Animal

     Next Thursday on April 8th is the celebration of zoos called Zoo Lovers Day. Today, I will discuss my first time at the zoo, my favorite zoo animal, and the special souvenir that I received.

                                                                                                                             the Bronx Zoo
     I been to the Bronx Zoo in New York multiple times in my lifetime and each time was better than the next. The first time at the zoo that I actually remember is when I was 8-years-old in 2007. It was small family trip with my parents, my aunt, uncle, and cousins on my father's side. The trip started waking up early in the morning on a summer weekend, because first my father like to get to things on time and 14 years later, he is still the same. Second the trip getting from Old Bridge, New Jersey to the Bronx Zoo in New York is a couple hours away. So, if the zoo opened at 10am, we left at 8am. I wore on that day is my Disney 2006 hat with Mickey Mouse in a Mets uniform pin, a zoo animal T-shirt, and camo shorts. My father had the Bronx Zoo membership, his camera, and two drinks in a traveling carrier for one beverage each, which was water and tea.  I also remember taking two cars that day, one car was my parents and I with my mother driving and the other with my aunt, uncle and my two cousins with my one cousin doing the driving. We got there at 10am, but I know my cousin took a different route than us and beat us there.

    Now, the Bronx Zoo for anyone who hasn't been there, the animals can be found by the continent, they are from or what type of animal family they belong to, and the zoo is huge that it has to be done in multiple days. For example, a zebra can be found in the African Plains, while an owl can be found in the Birds Of Prey. The animals, we wanted to see first was determined by what we really wanted to see, because how big the size of the zoo was, and so one of them was Birds Of Preys and the other bird exhibits. My aunt loves birds and at the time had tons of birds.  We saw the rhinos, gorillas, bears, lions, gaffes, elephants and many more. Then went to see animals in the World Of Reptiles and Madagascar exhibits, because my father and my cousins owned snakes, frogs, and turtles in the past. My father photographed many pictures of the family like the picture above and the animals from our trip. In the afternoon, we took a break from sightseeing and had lunch, we went to the cafĂ© at the zoo to have lunch around 12pm to 1pm. After lunch, we went to see more animals in the African Plains and in the Asian Tiger Mountains, which featured zebras, wild dogs, and tigers. I believe that was the time I did the camel ride as well. We finished our trip with the trolley ride to see more animals in the exhibits and learned interesting facts about the animals. Around 5pm, we headed on our way home to be home around 7pm.
     My favorite animal at the zoo has to be the elephants, because they seem like playful happy animals, just don't steal their kids and they won't harm you. They have a fun personality, when they spray the water from their trunks. I guess a big reason why I like elephants so much is because, this is how they are depicted in movies. Disney's "Dumbo", it is fictional and animated, but it a fun story about a young elephant learning to fly. John Wayne's "Hatari," which have really funny scenes with elephants involved. For example, the last scene of the movie, when the elephants break one of the beds. Last, another fun Disney movie based on a true story called "Operation Dumbo Drop", which is about the time during the Vietnam War, where United States' soldiers have to deliver an elephant to a Vietnamese village.  
                                                                       elongated pennies, penny books and penny machines
     One special souvenir that I have got from the zoo is the Bronx Zoo and New York Aquarium's oval tokens with animals on it. I remember I would always get 51 cents from the piggy bank to turn the leaver to get one of these tokens. I actually still have one from one of my trips either at the Bronx Zoo or New York Aquarium on one of my shelves as decoration. These token machines with the leaver would be found all over the park and it was kind of like a gum ball machine, but it was manual labor to get it. There was usually 4 choices and you were able to pick one you wanted like there was tigers, lions, seals, turtles, and many more on these tokens.

    Let me know what your first trip at the zoo was? How old were you? What zoo did you go to? Last, what are your favorite zoo animal and special souvenir in the comments below?  

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Batman And Ramen: The Noodle That Saves My Day

     National Peanut Month is also shared with National Noodle Month in the month of March. In honor of National Noodle Month, I will going over the history of the holiday, fun facts about noodles, and talk about my favorite noodle.

                                                                                                                        Soy Sauce Noodles

National Noodle Month And Fun Facts About Noodles 

    National Noodle Month was started by the National Pasta Association. They picked the month of March, because they did studies, showing that consumption of noodles rises in the beginning of the year. Since the weather is cold, most people eat pasta as a comfort food in the winter months. Also, people eating a lot of noodles especially in the month of March, because in religions celebrating Ash Wednesday and Lent, they will give up meat for 40 days until Easter, and people will replace it with noodles. Hence that why National Noodle Month is in March. 
    The bowl of noodles was invented in China, and the first one ever made can date back 4,000 years ago, which was around 2000 B.C.  The first bowl was a long yellow thin noodle and is sealed and preserved in northwestern China, which it is buried under 10 feet of sediment.  The noodle itself,  scientists found the Chinese made it from two kind of millet, a type of grain in China dating back 7,000 years ago. Then the noodle became worldwide 2,000 years ago. Italy was one of the countries to popularize it by creating the Italian pasta that we know today.  Japan popularize it as well by creating Japanese ramen. 
    Fun facts about noodles are usually the best day to celebrate National Noodle Month is March 11th, because that is the same day of  National Meatball Day and Eat Your Noodle Day. It is killing two birds with one stone by eating and celebrating noodles and meatballs. Noodles at one time was a luxury item and was super pricy, before becoming budget friendly. Federal law states a noodle needs to have 5.5 percent of egg solids to be consider a noodle. Noodles are considered to be a healthy meal as it has tons of vitamins and minerals as well as low sodium and fat. Australia consume 18 million kg of noodle a year. In Japan, it is a sign of respect to slurp your bowl of noodles, because it shows appreciation to the cook. If a person eats ramen every day for every meal, it would cost only 140 dollars for the year. Japan had a museum dedicated to cup noodles. Last, noodles are celebrated three other times, which are Eat Your Noodle Day on March 11th, National Ramen Day on April 4th, and National Noodle Day on October 6th. Here's links to the articles, if you want to learn more about noodles.
My Favorite Noodle
                                                                             Penne Rosa with Parmesan Crusted Chicken
    My favorite noodle is the penne, because it is part of one of my favorite dishes, which is penne and vodka sauce.  The pasta noodle is always something celebrated in my house every Sunday as a cultural custom. My family and I always have a different pasta each Sunday, which I enjoy, but I can't wait when we have the penne noodle. It has a incredible taste with any sauce and cheese on it. It just blends better with a sauce and cheese to me than any other pasta. Then, I think the penne pasta is perfect for a fork to eat and the least work to enjoy. The penne pasta is easy to pick up with a fork and doesn't fall apart off the fork, when spaghetti pasta is a such a hassle to twist the fork to get it. The shell pasta is hard to pick up with a fork, and it is so easy to give up and get spoon to eat it. The rigatoni pasta, when picking up with a fork, sometimes the pasta falls apart. Also, like I said before, I love penne and vodka sauce as my dish, because the penne and the vodka sauce has such a delicious creamy taste, when put together that I can't get enough of it. I especially love it, when I am able to add chicken and shrimp on it, because it makes it even better. Definitely this is a dish, I don't have at home, so every time at a restaurant and they have this on the menu, I always order it.
    Let me know in the comments below, what is your favorite noodle is?  



Tuesday, March 16, 2021

It's Just A Shell Game: My Top 3 Things To Pair With Peanut Butter

    Happy National Peanut Month! The whole month of March is a celebration of the peanut and every food item created with peanuts. The creamy delicious peanut butter is the one of the those food condiments made with peanuts. Today, I will be discussing my top 3 things to pair with peanut butter. 


Fun Facts About Everything Involving Peanuts

    Since it's a month about peanuts, I am going to go over fun interesting peanut facts, before getting into my top 3 things to pair with peanut butter. Scientist believe the first peanut butter can date back to ancient Athens and the modern day peanut butter was made in 1895 by Dr. John Harvey Kellogg. It was first introduced in the 1904 World Fair in St. Louis. George Washington Carver didn't invent the peanut or peanut butter, but he was very innovative in the different way to use peanuts. He is known to many as the "plant doctor," and the "grandfather of  peanuts." The peanut was a crop originally from Peru in South America. Spanish explorers found their first peanuts in Brazil, and took it back to Asia and Africa to sell. Then Africans were the first to introduce the peanut to North America in the 1700's, but it wasn't a major crop in North America until the 1800's. Virginia was the first to grow a peanut in the United States. The first peanut week was in 1941 and the first peanut month was 1974.

    More fun facts about peanuts are the peanut is not actually a nut, the peanut belongs to the legumes family. Nuts grow on trees, but the peanut like other legume plants grow underground. There are four types of peanuts, which are Runner, Valencia, Virginia, and Spanish. In the United States, peanuts are the 18th most valuable crop. American love them so much that 1.9 million peanuts are made each year, and American eat on average 6 pounds of peanuts and peanut butter each year. 94 percent of United State homes use peanuts. Peanuts are actually healthy for you, because it contains great sources of protein, nutrients, mineral, and vitamins. There are amino acid in the protein that said to help with someone's growth and development. In a study from The New England Journal Of Medicine, if peanuts are given at a young age, then it is possible to prevent a peanut allergy later in life.  

    Peanut butter was originally made, because it was easier for people with no teeth to eat peanuts. The United States has a law that peanut butter products are only considered peanut butter, if 90 percent of it is made of peanuts. There are actually 540 peanuts in a 12 oz. jar of peanut butter. 

     More interesting facts about peanuts are that there are six US cities named Peanut. 3 in Pennsylvania, 1 in California, West Virginia, and Tennessee. Former President Jimmy Carter is known for being the peanut guy, because he had a peanut farm, but also former President Thomas Jefferson had a peanut farm as well. Elvis Presley and former President Bill Clinton's favorite sandwich was peanut butter and banana sandwiches. Astronaut Alan Shepard brought a peanut to his trip to the moon. The term for being afraid of peanuts is arachibutyrophobia. The term peanut gallery came from the 1800's, when people in the audience of a show would throw peanuts in the upper seats, if the performer was really bad. The Guinness World Record for throwing the peanut the farthest is held by Collin Jackson as he threw the peanut, 124 feet and 4 inches. Peanut shells are used to make kitty liter, fire kindling logs, compost, and packing material. Last, the Planter's Mr. Peanut is over 100 years old. If you want to know more peanut facts, click on the links below. Now, without further ado, here's my top 3 list on things to pair with peanut butter.                                                                                                                                                                         NATIONAL PEANUT MONTH                                                                                                                           15 Nutty Facts About Peanuts                                                                                                                   26 Fun Facts about Peanuts & Peanut Butter                                                                                             30 Facts About Peanuts You (Probably) Didn't Know                                                                       History of Peanuts & Peanut Butter

3. Peanut Butter Pretzels
                                                                                         Peanut Butter-Filled Pretzels 
    The peanut butter pretzel is something that on paper, I would never think to put at number 3 and enjoy so more much than other things adding peanut butter. The sweet and salt together, I would think would overpower one another, but in reality it's works like how a chocolate pretzel does. The pretzel on it own could be boring at times to eat, and adding the peanut butter gives it more flavor making fun to eat. The pretzel also helps the peanut butter, because now the peanut butter has a crunchy taste with the pretzel. The peanut butter inside the pretzel has a great balance and blend that it like a Reese's cup with pretzels. It really could be a candy, because these peanut butter pretzels could be so addicting. It like going to the movies and constantly eating popcorn before the movie starts type of addiction. Then this is consider to be a healthy snack, because it puts together 100 percent natural peanut butter and 100 percent natural pretzel as one. 

2. Butterfingers
    Butterfinger, I love this food item better to pair with peanut butter than the peanut butter pretzels, because I think chocolate and peanut butter always taste amazing, when put together. I know there are many candies that could possibly have a bar with peanut butter and chocolate, but I think Butterfinger stands out with their candy bar. When biting into their bars, the taste of chocolate is the usual taste, but the peanut butter has crunchy crispy peanut taste to it and not the typical creamy taste. It like what the pretzel adds to the peanut butter, but Butterfinger found a way to get the peanut butter that way without adding something like a pretzel. They make this by filling a hard candy with peanut butter adding honey or syrup and then bake it in the oven to give that buttery, crispy, and crunchy taste. This is not as healthy as the peanut butter pretzel, but it still contains natural cocoa and natural peanuts to make their candy bar. 

1. Peanut Butter And Jelly
                                                                                              Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich
    This week is no unpopular opinion, I have to agree with the majority that jelly is the best to complement with peanut butter. Peanut butter and jelly is loved so much that there is a speed record for eating 6 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in one minute according to the "30 Facts About Peanuts You (Probably) Didn't Know" article. Then, the "26 Fun Facts About Peanuts and Peanut Butter" article stated a survey done by Peter Pan Simply Ground Peanut Butter that said, the average person will eat 3,000 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in their lifetime. This is the equivalent to a major league baseball hitter getting 3,000 hits or pitcher getting 3,000 strikeouts in their careers and go to the MLB hall of fame. So, why is there not a peanut butter and jelly eater hall of fame? Once I eat my 3,000th  peanut butter and jelly sandwich, why am I not getting a call from Cooperstown that I am in the hall of fame, and my name will be remembered for my achievement. Anyway, I personally love peanut butter and jelly myself and think it's better than Butterfinger, peanut butter pretzels, and the other things, because the flavor of those two together is unbelievably works too well. It like those two products were made for each other like some people together in a relationship. The fruity grape or strawberry jelly is sweet and the peanut butter is creamy, where they are very similar in flavor and a combination that always works like peanut butter and apples, cake and fruit, and whip cream and strawberries. 

Honorable Mention: Peanut Butter Fingers

    There is one thing that didn't make this list, but had to be mention, which are peanut butter fingers. This does sound like a food with peanut butter in it, but it is not, because what I am talking putting your 2 fingers in a jar of peanut butter and licking it off. If you're a big Friends fan like me, you know what Friends scene, I am talking about. For those of you, who don't know what am talking about, let me explain. This is the episode, where Chandler and Monica are planning the food for their wedding. So, they had a hard time narrowing down the 12 appetizer choices to 6 and they give Joey the list. Joey said it too hard and adds 3 more to the list, which one of them being peanut butter fingers. When Monica asks what they were, Joey did the demonstration of putting his 2 fingers in the jar and putting it in his mouth. Here is the clip below of the scene. I can't think of any other way to enjoy peanut butter beside peanut butter fingers, because it's a treat heavy on the peanut butter.

    Let me know, what your favorite thing to go with peanut butter is, and tell me what you think of this list in the comments below? 

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Let's Get Ready To Crumble: My Top 3 Types Of Cookies

    On Sunday March 14th until Saturday March 20th will be another year of National Chocolate Chip Cookie Week. My baking skills can't make a good batch of cookies, but I have still enjoyed a fair share of cookies in my lifetime. Let's celebrate this week with my top 3 types of cookies.  
                                                                                                        Best Mrs. Fields Cookie Recipe
Fun Chocolate Chip Cookie Facts

    First, I will be talking about fun chocolate chip cookie facts since it's a week about this cookie, before I name my top 3 types of cookies. The chocolate chip cookie is celebrated 2 more times beside on National Chocolate Chip Cookie Week, which is National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day on May 15th and August 4th. The reason it is celebrated twice in the year, because people argue on the day, when the person invented the day to celebrate chocolate chip cookies. Also, no one knows who created this holiday in the first place. 

    Ruth Wakefield was the inventor of chocolate chip cookies. She put it in her recipe book called, "Ruth Wakefield's Toll House, Tried and True Recipes," in 1937. Originally, the cookie was named Butterdrop Do Cookies, but Toll House liked the second name better and changed it to Chocolate Crunch Cookies. The owner of Toll House said the company invented the cookie and almost took credit for Ruth Wakefield's invention. The idea of the recipe could have been inspired by Kaufmann Candy in 1896 added chocolate chips in their candy. Also, for a long time until Ruth Wakefield debunked this theory, people thought she discovered chocolate chip cookies by accident. Last, there is an urban legend going around that Neiman Marcus invented the chocolate chip cookie.

    Other fun facts about chocolate chip cookies are Ruth Wakefield for her invention was given a lifetime supply of chocolate by Nestle , because Nestle bought her cookie and wanted her to make her product for them in 1939. The world's largest chocolate chip cookie is 40,000 pounds and 102 feet wide made in Flat Rock, North Carolina in 2003 by Immaculate Baking Company. During World War II, people in Massachusetts sent chocolate chip cookies as care packages. Eventually, the cookie was so popular in Massachusetts, that the state named it the official cookie of the state in 1997. Last, 53 percent of American prefer chocolate chip cookies over all cookies.  Here's links below of the articles to learn more fun facts about the chocolate chip cookie. Now, what we were all waiting for my top 3 types of cookies.

3. Peanut Butter Cookies
Peanut Butter Cookies
    The peanut butter cookie is one of my favorites, because peanut butter is one of those flavors that can go with any tasty treat. A cookie being infused with peanut butter is such a explosion in your mouth. I love that there is plenty of peanut butter in the cookie that every bite melts in your mouth. I think why it does melt in your mouth, because they make the peanut butter in the cookie very smooth and creamy. Then, the pattern of the cookie looking like a waffle is iconic as they are pressed down in the making process. The peanut butter dough is first made into a ball, put on a tray, and then using a fork creates the waffle shape cookie. I love that pattern, because it's a feature that is a trademark for only peanut butter cookies. Also, it does remind a person that they're eating peanuts, because the cookie has the same waffle pattern as the peanut. 

2. Half Chocolate-Half Chocolate Chip Cookies
                                                                                              Dipped Chocolate Chip Cookies
    The half chocolate-half chocolate chip cookie, I think is better than the peanut butter cookie, because it combines two United States elements of their iconic cookies, which is the chocolate of a black and white cookie and the chocolate chip of a chocolate chip cookie. I love it like how I love Multi-Grain Cheerios, and Peanut Butter Chocolate Cheerios in my previous blog. The idea of taking two flavors and putting it in one treat is fun to taste. It's not boring biting into a cookie that has the same taste over and over. The half chocolate-half chocolate chip cookie has something different than other cookies, because it's like two cookies in one. The first half,  a person gets to enjoy half of a classic chocolate chip cookie, and the other half is a pure chocolate cookie. The cookie gets better and better, because each bite has more chocolate than the previous bite.

1. Oreo Cookies 
    My all-time favorite cookie that I like better than the dipped chocolate chip cookie, the peanut butter cookie, and any other cookie is the Oreo cookie. This is may be another unpopular opinion like my Cheerios blog last week as the classic chocolate chip cookie is loved as much as Honey Nut Cheerios. This is why I love the Oreo cookie more than the classic chocolate chip cookie, because I feel the Oreo has more options in how to eat the cookie. The chocolate chip cookie can be eaten and dipped in milk, while the Oreo cookie can be eaten the same way. However, a person can eat this cookie by licking off the cream off the cookie and then eat the cookie part. Then, the Oreo has so many different types of cream filling, where the chocolate chip cookie can be limited with only a few options. The Oreo has a lot more flavors with 25 to choose from, while the chocolate chip cookie is only the classic, dipped, or inside out  cookies. Now, the Oreo cookie has a great balance of the dark chocolate cookie and cream, where the flavors blend nicely and not clash with one other. Also, this cookie tastes great together and separately, because the cookie into a sandwich style is delicious, but the cream has tasty cake frosting to lick off, and the cookie is a great chocolaty bite. I think you can't have the same experience with a chocolate chip cookie, because each element can't stand on it's own like an Oreo can. This cookie with no chocolate chips is not as good as it is with chocolate chips. 

    What is your favorite cookie, and do you agree with my top 3 types of cookies? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.    


Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Cereal Killer: My Top 3 Cheerios Flavors

     National Cereal Day is celebrated on March 7th every year, and is approaching this Sunday. I am celebrating by going over my top 3 favorite Cheerio flavors. I pick the cereal chain Cheerios, because my parents always have it in the house, and I do prefer it over the other cereal, I have tried in the past.

History Of Cheerios

    First, before I go over my list, here is a little history on the iconic brand known as Cheerios. The cereal debuted in 1941 by General Mills and was originally called CheeriOates. Lester Borchardt was the man behind inventing the trademark, small "o" shape. Then Cheerios is famous for the yellow packaging since 1944 that many people brought, because it stood out from other cereals. It wasn't until 1945, when the cereal changed it name to the iconic name, Cheerios, which it's known as today. General Mills was forced to change its names, because Quaker Oates said it was copyright infringement to use the term oat in their name. 

    In the 1940's and 1950's, they had television ads with mascots like the little girl, Cheeri O'Leary and Cheerio Kid. In the 1960's , Cheerios used famous characters to advertise their product like Rocky and Bullwinkle, and Hoppity Hooper. Eventually, Cheerios made a partnership with Disney to feature Disney coloring books and action figures inside their boxes. The alternate flavors started in 1979 with the popular Honey Nut Cheerios, and today Cheerios have 16 different flavors. Now, Cheerios and their bee mascot since 2012 have been advertising that a person eating their product lower their cholesterol. The Heart Foundation claims it's healthier than oatmeal, and the recommended healthy breakfast.

    Today, Cheerios goes through a different process than when they first started to make their product. They are known for a unique way to double toast their oats, which they toast the raw material separate from the finish dough. The company gets natural oats from mainly Iowa, Wisconsin, and North and South Dakota. These oats are taken to Minnesota to be turned into oat flour, and then it's goes to the factories in Iowa, Georgia, and New York to be Cheerios. Lastly, they get natural honey as well from Florida to make their Honey Nut Cheerios. Here is the link below, if you want to read more about the history of Cheerios. Now let's talk about my top 3 Cheerio flavors.

3. Multi-Grain Cheerios:

                                                                                                          Multi Grain Cheerios
    I think I enjoy the Multi-Grain flavor, because it has a great selection of different grained oats, and I feel each spoonful has a different taste than the previous one taken. I think this is an aspect that is underrated, because big brands, maybe besides Fruit Loops,  just stick to one flavor and over time it will get tiring getting the same spoonful over and over. Next, Multi-Grain Cheerios are the best flavor of Cheerios to add fruit to the bowl of cereal. I think the flavor of fruit and multi grain is a perfect combination, where the flavors work well together, and not clash with one other like the other flavors of Cheerios do. Last, for anyone that wants a healthy breakfast, then Multi-Grain is the best type of Cheerios for breakfast. It has fiber, calcium, iron, 5 whole grains, and 9 vitamins and minerals. Also, eating it lowers the chance of heart disease.

 2. Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheerios:

Chocolate Peanut Butter
    I like the Chocolate Peanut Butter flavor better than the Multi Grain, because it has the same elements of having a different selection of oats, but this has my two of my favorite flavors together, which is chocolate and peanut butter. It has a great combination like how the fruit and multi grain does, where the chocolate helps the peanut butter and the peanut butter helps the chocolate with having a good taste. Then what the Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheerios offer that the Multi-Grain Cheerios don't is giving the milk a different taste. After the finishing of the cereal, usually the person drinks the regular milk, but Chocolate Peanut Butter flavor adds to the milk with hints of chocolate and peanut butter. Regular milk can be boring at times, but this Cheerios flavor makes enjoyable to eat the cereal and drink the milk. Last, this is not as healthy as the Multi Grain, but this flavor does not have artificial coloring, because it natural peanut butter and cocoa. Then it has 12 vitamins and minerals, which is more than the Multi-Grain Cheerios.

1. Chocolate Cheerios

                                                                                           Chocolate Cheerios
    The number 1 choice is Chocolate Cheerios and choosing this as my favorite could be the unpopular opinion to the public, because the Honey Nut Cheerios are beloved. This is could be surprising, but let me explain why I love this more than Honey Nut Cheerios. First, it could just be chocolate and it does taste well with peanut butter, but I think the taste is good that it doesn't need any other flavor besides itself. The Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheerios has a balance of the two flavors, where the chocolate is only a sample in this cereal. What makes the Chocolate Cheerios great is the strong taste of the pure chocolate is more apparent than the other one. Next, the milk also has a fun added flavor like the Chocolate Peanut Butter flavor, but again the chocolate on it's own makes the milk better too. It like after eating the cereal that I am drinking chocolate milk than a chocolate and peanut butter milk that didn't mix as well. Last, this cereal again is less healthy than the Multi-Grain, but it has vitamin D, calcium, and natural cocoa, not artificial coloring. Then, like the multi-grain cereal, people eating this cereal lowers the chance of heart disease. 

    Do you agree with this list, let me know in the comments below? Also, tell me in the comment, what is your favorite Cheerios flavor?

Stranded On An Island Albums: Top 42 Pt. 2

      Last time, I started my 4-part blog series called stranded on an island album collection countdown. I talked about 42 to 33 on the lis...