Tuesday, March 16, 2021

It's Just A Shell Game: My Top 3 Things To Pair With Peanut Butter

    Happy National Peanut Month! The whole month of March is a celebration of the peanut and every food item created with peanuts. The creamy delicious peanut butter is the one of the those food condiments made with peanuts. Today, I will be discussing my top 3 things to pair with peanut butter. 


Fun Facts About Everything Involving Peanuts

    Since it's a month about peanuts, I am going to go over fun interesting peanut facts, before getting into my top 3 things to pair with peanut butter. Scientist believe the first peanut butter can date back to ancient Athens and the modern day peanut butter was made in 1895 by Dr. John Harvey Kellogg. It was first introduced in the 1904 World Fair in St. Louis. George Washington Carver didn't invent the peanut or peanut butter, but he was very innovative in the different way to use peanuts. He is known to many as the "plant doctor," and the "grandfather of  peanuts." The peanut was a crop originally from Peru in South America. Spanish explorers found their first peanuts in Brazil, and took it back to Asia and Africa to sell. Then Africans were the first to introduce the peanut to North America in the 1700's, but it wasn't a major crop in North America until the 1800's. Virginia was the first to grow a peanut in the United States. The first peanut week was in 1941 and the first peanut month was 1974.

    More fun facts about peanuts are the peanut is not actually a nut, the peanut belongs to the legumes family. Nuts grow on trees, but the peanut like other legume plants grow underground. There are four types of peanuts, which are Runner, Valencia, Virginia, and Spanish. In the United States, peanuts are the 18th most valuable crop. American love them so much that 1.9 million peanuts are made each year, and American eat on average 6 pounds of peanuts and peanut butter each year. 94 percent of United State homes use peanuts. Peanuts are actually healthy for you, because it contains great sources of protein, nutrients, mineral, and vitamins. There are amino acid in the protein that said to help with someone's growth and development. In a study from The New England Journal Of Medicine, if peanuts are given at a young age, then it is possible to prevent a peanut allergy later in life.  

    Peanut butter was originally made, because it was easier for people with no teeth to eat peanuts. The United States has a law that peanut butter products are only considered peanut butter, if 90 percent of it is made of peanuts. There are actually 540 peanuts in a 12 oz. jar of peanut butter. 

     More interesting facts about peanuts are that there are six US cities named Peanut. 3 in Pennsylvania, 1 in California, West Virginia, and Tennessee. Former President Jimmy Carter is known for being the peanut guy, because he had a peanut farm, but also former President Thomas Jefferson had a peanut farm as well. Elvis Presley and former President Bill Clinton's favorite sandwich was peanut butter and banana sandwiches. Astronaut Alan Shepard brought a peanut to his trip to the moon. The term for being afraid of peanuts is arachibutyrophobia. The term peanut gallery came from the 1800's, when people in the audience of a show would throw peanuts in the upper seats, if the performer was really bad. The Guinness World Record for throwing the peanut the farthest is held by Collin Jackson as he threw the peanut, 124 feet and 4 inches. Peanut shells are used to make kitty liter, fire kindling logs, compost, and packing material. Last, the Planter's Mr. Peanut is over 100 years old. If you want to know more peanut facts, click on the links below. Now, without further ado, here's my top 3 list on things to pair with peanut butter.                                                                                                                                                                         NATIONAL PEANUT MONTH                                                                                                                           15 Nutty Facts About Peanuts                                                                                                                   26 Fun Facts about Peanuts & Peanut Butter                                                                                             30 Facts About Peanuts You (Probably) Didn't Know                                                                       History of Peanuts & Peanut Butter

3. Peanut Butter Pretzels
                                                                                         Peanut Butter-Filled Pretzels 
    The peanut butter pretzel is something that on paper, I would never think to put at number 3 and enjoy so more much than other things adding peanut butter. The sweet and salt together, I would think would overpower one another, but in reality it's works like how a chocolate pretzel does. The pretzel on it own could be boring at times to eat, and adding the peanut butter gives it more flavor making fun to eat. The pretzel also helps the peanut butter, because now the peanut butter has a crunchy taste with the pretzel. The peanut butter inside the pretzel has a great balance and blend that it like a Reese's cup with pretzels. It really could be a candy, because these peanut butter pretzels could be so addicting. It like going to the movies and constantly eating popcorn before the movie starts type of addiction. Then this is consider to be a healthy snack, because it puts together 100 percent natural peanut butter and 100 percent natural pretzel as one. 

2. Butterfingers
    Butterfinger, I love this food item better to pair with peanut butter than the peanut butter pretzels, because I think chocolate and peanut butter always taste amazing, when put together. I know there are many candies that could possibly have a bar with peanut butter and chocolate, but I think Butterfinger stands out with their candy bar. When biting into their bars, the taste of chocolate is the usual taste, but the peanut butter has crunchy crispy peanut taste to it and not the typical creamy taste. It like what the pretzel adds to the peanut butter, but Butterfinger found a way to get the peanut butter that way without adding something like a pretzel. They make this by filling a hard candy with peanut butter adding honey or syrup and then bake it in the oven to give that buttery, crispy, and crunchy taste. This is not as healthy as the peanut butter pretzel, but it still contains natural cocoa and natural peanuts to make their candy bar. 

1. Peanut Butter And Jelly
                                                                                              Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich
    This week is no unpopular opinion, I have to agree with the majority that jelly is the best to complement with peanut butter. Peanut butter and jelly is loved so much that there is a speed record for eating 6 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in one minute according to the "30 Facts About Peanuts You (Probably) Didn't Know" article. Then, the "26 Fun Facts About Peanuts and Peanut Butter" article stated a survey done by Peter Pan Simply Ground Peanut Butter that said, the average person will eat 3,000 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in their lifetime. This is the equivalent to a major league baseball hitter getting 3,000 hits or pitcher getting 3,000 strikeouts in their careers and go to the MLB hall of fame. So, why is there not a peanut butter and jelly eater hall of fame? Once I eat my 3,000th  peanut butter and jelly sandwich, why am I not getting a call from Cooperstown that I am in the hall of fame, and my name will be remembered for my achievement. Anyway, I personally love peanut butter and jelly myself and think it's better than Butterfinger, peanut butter pretzels, and the other things, because the flavor of those two together is unbelievably works too well. It like those two products were made for each other like some people together in a relationship. The fruity grape or strawberry jelly is sweet and the peanut butter is creamy, where they are very similar in flavor and a combination that always works like peanut butter and apples, cake and fruit, and whip cream and strawberries. 

Honorable Mention: Peanut Butter Fingers

    There is one thing that didn't make this list, but had to be mention, which are peanut butter fingers. This does sound like a food with peanut butter in it, but it is not, because what I am talking putting your 2 fingers in a jar of peanut butter and licking it off. If you're a big Friends fan like me, you know what Friends scene, I am talking about. For those of you, who don't know what am talking about, let me explain. This is the episode, where Chandler and Monica are planning the food for their wedding. So, they had a hard time narrowing down the 12 appetizer choices to 6 and they give Joey the list. Joey said it too hard and adds 3 more to the list, which one of them being peanut butter fingers. When Monica asks what they were, Joey did the demonstration of putting his 2 fingers in the jar and putting it in his mouth. Here is the clip below of the scene. I can't think of any other way to enjoy peanut butter beside peanut butter fingers, because it's a treat heavy on the peanut butter.

    Let me know, what your favorite thing to go with peanut butter is, and tell me what you think of this list in the comments below? 

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