Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Cereal Killer: My Top 3 Cheerios Flavors

     National Cereal Day is celebrated on March 7th every year, and is approaching this Sunday. I am celebrating by going over my top 3 favorite Cheerio flavors. I pick the cereal chain Cheerios, because my parents always have it in the house, and I do prefer it over the other cereal, I have tried in the past.

History Of Cheerios

    First, before I go over my list, here is a little history on the iconic brand known as Cheerios. The cereal debuted in 1941 by General Mills and was originally called CheeriOates. Lester Borchardt was the man behind inventing the trademark, small "o" shape. Then Cheerios is famous for the yellow packaging since 1944 that many people brought, because it stood out from other cereals. It wasn't until 1945, when the cereal changed it name to the iconic name, Cheerios, which it's known as today. General Mills was forced to change its names, because Quaker Oates said it was copyright infringement to use the term oat in their name. 

    In the 1940's and 1950's, they had television ads with mascots like the little girl, Cheeri O'Leary and Cheerio Kid. In the 1960's , Cheerios used famous characters to advertise their product like Rocky and Bullwinkle, and Hoppity Hooper. Eventually, Cheerios made a partnership with Disney to feature Disney coloring books and action figures inside their boxes. The alternate flavors started in 1979 with the popular Honey Nut Cheerios, and today Cheerios have 16 different flavors. Now, Cheerios and their bee mascot since 2012 have been advertising that a person eating their product lower their cholesterol. The Heart Foundation claims it's healthier than oatmeal, and the recommended healthy breakfast.

    Today, Cheerios goes through a different process than when they first started to make their product. They are known for a unique way to double toast their oats, which they toast the raw material separate from the finish dough. The company gets natural oats from mainly Iowa, Wisconsin, and North and South Dakota. These oats are taken to Minnesota to be turned into oat flour, and then it's goes to the factories in Iowa, Georgia, and New York to be Cheerios. Lastly, they get natural honey as well from Florida to make their Honey Nut Cheerios. Here is the link below, if you want to read more about the history of Cheerios. Now let's talk about my top 3 Cheerio flavors.

3. Multi-Grain Cheerios:

                                                                                                          Multi Grain Cheerios
    I think I enjoy the Multi-Grain flavor, because it has a great selection of different grained oats, and I feel each spoonful has a different taste than the previous one taken. I think this is an aspect that is underrated, because big brands, maybe besides Fruit Loops,  just stick to one flavor and over time it will get tiring getting the same spoonful over and over. Next, Multi-Grain Cheerios are the best flavor of Cheerios to add fruit to the bowl of cereal. I think the flavor of fruit and multi grain is a perfect combination, where the flavors work well together, and not clash with one other like the other flavors of Cheerios do. Last, for anyone that wants a healthy breakfast, then Multi-Grain is the best type of Cheerios for breakfast. It has fiber, calcium, iron, 5 whole grains, and 9 vitamins and minerals. Also, eating it lowers the chance of heart disease.

 2. Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheerios:

Chocolate Peanut Butter
    I like the Chocolate Peanut Butter flavor better than the Multi Grain, because it has the same elements of having a different selection of oats, but this has my two of my favorite flavors together, which is chocolate and peanut butter. It has a great combination like how the fruit and multi grain does, where the chocolate helps the peanut butter and the peanut butter helps the chocolate with having a good taste. Then what the Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheerios offer that the Multi-Grain Cheerios don't is giving the milk a different taste. After the finishing of the cereal, usually the person drinks the regular milk, but Chocolate Peanut Butter flavor adds to the milk with hints of chocolate and peanut butter. Regular milk can be boring at times, but this Cheerios flavor makes enjoyable to eat the cereal and drink the milk. Last, this is not as healthy as the Multi Grain, but this flavor does not have artificial coloring, because it natural peanut butter and cocoa. Then it has 12 vitamins and minerals, which is more than the Multi-Grain Cheerios.

1. Chocolate Cheerios

                                                                                           Chocolate Cheerios
    The number 1 choice is Chocolate Cheerios and choosing this as my favorite could be the unpopular opinion to the public, because the Honey Nut Cheerios are beloved. This is could be surprising, but let me explain why I love this more than Honey Nut Cheerios. First, it could just be chocolate and it does taste well with peanut butter, but I think the taste is good that it doesn't need any other flavor besides itself. The Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheerios has a balance of the two flavors, where the chocolate is only a sample in this cereal. What makes the Chocolate Cheerios great is the strong taste of the pure chocolate is more apparent than the other one. Next, the milk also has a fun added flavor like the Chocolate Peanut Butter flavor, but again the chocolate on it's own makes the milk better too. It like after eating the cereal that I am drinking chocolate milk than a chocolate and peanut butter milk that didn't mix as well. Last, this cereal again is less healthy than the Multi-Grain, but it has vitamin D, calcium, and natural cocoa, not artificial coloring. Then, like the multi-grain cereal, people eating this cereal lowers the chance of heart disease. 

    Do you agree with this list, let me know in the comments below? Also, tell me in the comment, what is your favorite Cheerios flavor?

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