Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Feel The Clove: My Favorite Garlic-Flavored Dish

    April is National Garlic Month, which celebrates the spice  and the foods that are flavored with garlic. Today I will talk about my favorite garlic-flavored dish, fun facts about garlic, and history of garlic.
    History Of Garlic And Fun Facts About Garlic

    Garlic is one of the oldest known horticultural crop and it is at least 5,000 years old. Garlic was believed to be discovered in Central Asia, because the herb grows wildly in that area. It was not always used as a spice in early civilization. The Sumerians used the healing qualities of garlic as medicine for their people. The garlic would be passed on to ancient China, and it spread to Japan and South Korea. Ancient China used garlic as a herbal remedy, which would help people with respiratory ailments, digestive issues, diarrhea, parasites, fatigue, impotency, headaches, and insomnia. Ancient India prescribed the herb with those health problems like China, but also treated infections with garlic. Ancient Israelis used garlic as a starvation simulator, a blood pressure enhancer, a body heater, and a parasite killer. Ancient Greece, ancient Rome and ancient Egypt  would use garlic to make their warriors stronger, because it was believed that it made them healthy and they worked harder. Last, in the medieval times, garlic was believed to protect the medieval people from evil.
    Fun facts about garlic are garlic can help people have a healthy blood pressure and cholesterol. Garlic contains manganese, copper, phosphorus, calcium, selenium, and vitamin B1, B6, and C. Garlic is 4 calories per clove. Garlic is the most nutritious, when it settles 5- 10 minutes before it heated.  Rubbing a slice of garlic can help have healthy lips and soothe the human skin. The feet soak in garlic water helps get rid of athlete's foot. A person trying to lose weight can eat a diet with garlic. Then garlic oil, when massage on the scalp, can help people have healthy hair, because the high levels of allicin. The last healthy thing about garlic is it strengthen fingernails and chopped fresh garlic can be added to a bottle of nail polish.
    More fun facts are garlic is a herb part of the Lily family, which also includes onions, shallots, leeks, and chives. Garlic nearby can prevent mosquitoes from coming near the area. China produces the most garlic worldwide. The world grows 300 varieties of garlic. Alliumphobia is the fear of garlic. The ways to get rid of garlic breath are drinking water, eating mint leaves, using salt, or lemon rinse. Botulism, a type of bacterial spores, can produce a homemade garlic oil. Garlic doesn't have to be refrigerated. Last, garlic was given to the slaves in Egypt, who build the pyramids, because it enhanced endurance and strength. If you want to learn more about garlic, check out the links below. 
My Favorite Garlic Flavored Dish
                                                                                                Pasta with Sausage and Broccoli Rabe
    My favorite garlic flavored dish has to be pasta with sausage, broccoli rabe, and garlic covered in olive oil. This is another dish enjoyed on Sunday, when my family celebrates our Italian tradition. This pasta idea was originally from a restaurant called Nonna's on Route 9 in New Jersey. My family on mother's side was there to celebrate my mother's birthday and ordered the pasta at the place as the pasta for the table. It was so delicious and we decided to look up the recipe. Ever since my mother makes it at home, she makes it so much better than the restaurant now. The flavor of garlic adds to this meal is a perfect hint of a extra taste. This meal has a lot of flavors going on with it already, because of the pasta, sausage, and broccoli rabe. The garlic doesn't stand out in this pasta dish and it just a perfect amount of it to complement the pasta, sausage, and broccoli rabe and doesn't ruin the meal. 
    Let me know in the comments below what your favorite meal with garlic is?




  1. Awesome history lesson on garlic! 5,000 years of use later just shows what an awesome and delicious little crop that it can be.


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