Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Batman And Ramen: The Noodle That Saves My Day

     National Peanut Month is also shared with National Noodle Month in the month of March. In honor of National Noodle Month, I will going over the history of the holiday, fun facts about noodles, and talk about my favorite noodle.

                                                                                                                        Soy Sauce Noodles

National Noodle Month And Fun Facts About Noodles 

    National Noodle Month was started by the National Pasta Association. They picked the month of March, because they did studies, showing that consumption of noodles rises in the beginning of the year. Since the weather is cold, most people eat pasta as a comfort food in the winter months. Also, people eating a lot of noodles especially in the month of March, because in religions celebrating Ash Wednesday and Lent, they will give up meat for 40 days until Easter, and people will replace it with noodles. Hence that why National Noodle Month is in March. 
    The bowl of noodles was invented in China, and the first one ever made can date back 4,000 years ago, which was around 2000 B.C.  The first bowl was a long yellow thin noodle and is sealed and preserved in northwestern China, which it is buried under 10 feet of sediment.  The noodle itself,  scientists found the Chinese made it from two kind of millet, a type of grain in China dating back 7,000 years ago. Then the noodle became worldwide 2,000 years ago. Italy was one of the countries to popularize it by creating the Italian pasta that we know today.  Japan popularize it as well by creating Japanese ramen. 
    Fun facts about noodles are usually the best day to celebrate National Noodle Month is March 11th, because that is the same day of  National Meatball Day and Eat Your Noodle Day. It is killing two birds with one stone by eating and celebrating noodles and meatballs. Noodles at one time was a luxury item and was super pricy, before becoming budget friendly. Federal law states a noodle needs to have 5.5 percent of egg solids to be consider a noodle. Noodles are considered to be a healthy meal as it has tons of vitamins and minerals as well as low sodium and fat. Australia consume 18 million kg of noodle a year. In Japan, it is a sign of respect to slurp your bowl of noodles, because it shows appreciation to the cook. If a person eats ramen every day for every meal, it would cost only 140 dollars for the year. Japan had a museum dedicated to cup noodles. Last, noodles are celebrated three other times, which are Eat Your Noodle Day on March 11th, National Ramen Day on April 4th, and National Noodle Day on October 6th. Here's links to the articles, if you want to learn more about noodles.
My Favorite Noodle
                                                                             Penne Rosa with Parmesan Crusted Chicken
    My favorite noodle is the penne, because it is part of one of my favorite dishes, which is penne and vodka sauce.  The pasta noodle is always something celebrated in my house every Sunday as a cultural custom. My family and I always have a different pasta each Sunday, which I enjoy, but I can't wait when we have the penne noodle. It has a incredible taste with any sauce and cheese on it. It just blends better with a sauce and cheese to me than any other pasta. Then, I think the penne pasta is perfect for a fork to eat and the least work to enjoy. The penne pasta is easy to pick up with a fork and doesn't fall apart off the fork, when spaghetti pasta is a such a hassle to twist the fork to get it. The shell pasta is hard to pick up with a fork, and it is so easy to give up and get spoon to eat it. The rigatoni pasta, when picking up with a fork, sometimes the pasta falls apart. Also, like I said before, I love penne and vodka sauce as my dish, because the penne and the vodka sauce has such a delicious creamy taste, when put together that I can't get enough of it. I especially love it, when I am able to add chicken and shrimp on it, because it makes it even better. Definitely this is a dish, I don't have at home, so every time at a restaurant and they have this on the menu, I always order it.
    Let me know in the comments below, what is your favorite noodle is?  



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