Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Be True To Your School- My 2021 Fall Semester Classes

     My college years have been full of good times and tons of work to do so far. As the 2021 Spring semester and my junior year of college is wrapping up, I have plenty of classes to look forward to for my last year at William Paterson University. Today, I will talk about the classes, I am taking in the 2021 Fall semester.

                                                                                                                  William Paterson University       
    The first class is a requirement for my major and the last class needed before I can take capstone in the 2022 Spring semester, which is International Media. This class is on the top of my list, when talking about classes to look forward to. I am very interested to learn about media outside of the United States. I wonder if it is completely different or similar to ours and maybe other countries' perspective on how they view the United States than how our country views ourselves. Also, I have a professor that I had for Radio and TV Industries. Dr. Diana Peck is a sweet and caring professor and I can't wait to take another one of her classes. 

    Next, the second class that I am looking forward to is Social Science Honors Seminar II. It is a class needed to fulfill my Honors College requirement. I love learning about the different approaches from Psychology, Sociology, Political Science, and many the other social sciences. It is interesting to talk about a topic like religion and get new viewpoints from great thinkers of the past like Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx, and Adam Smith. Then this is another class, where I have the same professor from the previous seminar classes. Dr. Kressel is a kind person that respects everyone's opinion in the class and he is so fascinating, when he teaches in his lectures that I can listen to him for hours talk about the social sciences.

    Then, the third class that I can't wait to take is Strategic Writing. This class is part of a program that I have joined, which is the 4+1 BA/MA program. The program allows me to get a 9 credit head start on my master's degree, while getting my bachelor's degree. It helps speeding up the process to get the master degree's in 5 years total than 6 years total. Strategic Writing looks like an interesting class from the course description, because it will be learning to write in many different formats for an online platform. It does sound very similar to my Media Writing class, which talks about news leads, blogs, public relations, and media news writing. I am eager to find out what this class is all about, when I walk in the classroom in the fall semester.

                                                                                                                        Classes in College                
    Also, another class that I have to take for the 4+1 BA/MA program is Corporate Social Responsibility. This class sounds more intense than the other one as the course description is understanding of the real world impact in society and global and local businesses. This is one of the classes that I am looking forward to the least. I will work my hardest and do my best like I do for every class and hope for the best. I hoping on paper that it sounds intimidating, and taking the class is not as bad as it sounds. 

    Last, the final class that I am taking in the 2021 Fall semester is Social Science Honors Thesis I. I able to take this class at the same time as Social Science Honors Seminar II, because Dr. Kressel said students do this all the time. The reason I am doing this is because I want to graduate by the Spring 2022 and only way to do that is take the seminar and thesis in the fall. Then I can take Social Science Honors Thesis II in the spring, which I will have completed all the requirements for the Honors College. This is the class that I am least looking forward to, because the 30-50 page paper is going to keep me busy and going to take everything out of me. The bright side is I have the summer break, fall semester, and spring semester to work on this thesis. These are the 5 classes, I am taking for the 2021 Fall semester, and it is going to be tough, but I can't wait to start the upcoming semester.

    Let me know in the comments below, what you are looking forward to in the fall, if it is college classes or fall plans?         

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