Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Sing-A-Long: My Top 3 Songs

The Grammy's are approaching, and I thought this is a perfect time to discuss my top 3 favorite songs of all time. This was very hard to decide, because I love tons of songs in my music collection, but I was able to determine 3 songs that I love better than any other song. Number 3 is "Angie" by The Rolling Stones, number 2 is "Love Song" by Tesla, and number 1 is "Mr. Blue Sky" by Electric Light Orchestra.

    First, why "Angie" by The Rolling Stones is third on my list, because it's one of many beautiful ballads written by my favorite band. What made me pick this song over "Wild Horses" or "Ruby Tuesday," are the vocal performance has more emotion, the piano and guitar blend together really well, and the meaning of the song is unique.

    Mick Jagger's vocals on this track are incredible. The skill of holding the notes on certain lyrics like "I hate that sadness in your eyes," is a great way to tell the audience, the feeling of the character in the song. The audience is able to feel the pain of breaking up with someone with Mick Jagger's vocal skills. Then, how Mick Jagger using his vocals can make the emotions build in the song. How he can gradually sing the name, Angie, with more emphasis, each time he sings the name, creates the powerful ending of the song. Last, I always think it's clever, when a singer does the action, he or she states in the previous lyric. Mick Jagger sings, "Let me whisper in your ear," and then he whispers Angie in the next line.

    The piano and guitar has a perfect balance of being featured in the song. The acoustic intro is very melodic, and is a perfect lead into the vocals. Then, the piano comes in, and I love Keith Richard's guitar, and Nicky Hopkin's piano takes turns filling in-between the vocals. Also in the solo, when the guitar and piano are both soloing at the same time, I feel the two musicians have great chemistry in jamming with one another. 

    Last, the song meaning is unique, because it's the moment, where a person is about to break-up with someone. It's not before or after a break-up, which most artists tend to chose to sing about. This song can be relatable, because the band talks about two people loving each other, but realizing it's best to break-up. It's hard for the two characters, but they know they will continue to hurt themselves being together. 

    Next, "Love Song" by Tesla is second on my list, because it's one of my favorite power ballads in the era of hair metal. This is loved more than the other power ballads, because the acoustic intro is very catchy, the guitar solo is killer, and the song meaning is very hopeful. 

                                                                                                           Tesla – Band
    The acoustic intro is just spectacular, because the melody is very pretty, and I feel it sounds like something that came out of the Medieval period or something Rush would have wrote. The intro at the same time, has a catchy melody as the guitarist, Frank Hannon, plays each note very bouncy and fun. When the song start with vocals, the intro and the first verse has a great tradition as it smooth going to the verse. Also, I love in the verses, when the guitar is playing in-between the vocals, because I think filling the spaces makes the song full and better. Then the electric guitar solo later in the song is awesome, because he is wailing for a good portion of the song. Frank Hannon has a way to play his pieces with so much melody, but can still play fast and shred on the solo. 

    Last, the song meaning gives me so much hope, because it takes a sad moment in someone's life, and the band tells them, it's going to be okay. People, who gone through a break-up, need something to look forward to. What's cool about this song, it feels like Tesla is talking to you or wrote this for you. They sing about healing takes time, they're other fish in the sea, and here for you like a friend. 

    Finally, "Mr. Blue Sky" by Electric Light Orchestra is first on my list, because this song doesn't sound like any other song written. The song stands out as a creative original idea. I love how this song uses personification, great guitar work, a cool special effect, and an epic outro at the end.

                                                                                  Electric Light Orchestra

    Jeff Lynne is such a great songwriter, especially in this song. He writes the blue and night sky using personification. The actions of the sky is described as if it was a person doing it. For example, how Jeff Lynne told how the sky changed to day to night, "But soon comes Mr. Night creepin' over. Now his hand is on your shoulder." I think that it such a creative way to say the sun is going down by saying Mr. Night pushing Mr. Blue Sky out of the way. Again, like the Rolling Stones' song, Jeff Lynne does the action, he said in the previous lyric. He sings "Runnin' down the avenue," and then breathes like he is running. I just love the idea of doing the action of the lyric.  

    Then, Jeff Lynne on the guitar is great to listen to as this such a well-crafted solo in this song. He is other guitarist that has great melodic soloing in his playing. He knows what he is doing, when he's able to take the melody of the song and implemented in the solo. Next, I love the special effect on the vocal part on the bridge, where it's auto tune before auto tune was a thing. It's clever to have the title of the song in the chorus and the bridge, but the bridge is sung in a different way to tell it apart from the chorus. The last thing is how the song closes with this choir and orchestra finish. I love this part, because it feels like a big finale that you didn't think the song needed, but it does. It's like modern day rock classical mix at end with a piano, string section, drums, electric guitar, and a church choir. 

    These songs are great musical works with a ton of creativity, and relatable messages. These songs have got me through life, and inspired me in my own songwriting. Here's a link to my top 3, and enjoy my favorite songs.   

1.  Electric Light Orchestra - Mr. Blue Sky (Audio) - YouTube

2.  Tesla - Love Song - YouTube

3.  The Rolling Stones- Angie - YouTube




  1. good commentary ... good links ...

    try adding a piece of artwork ...

  2. I love The Rolling Stones, Mick Jagger's talent and energy is unmatched even to this day! Your post is so passionate and understanding of the music that you consume and hold close to you, which I think is really impressive because I have the hardest time expressing that. Super awesome post to read, I'll have to take a listen to that last song because I've never heard it before so thanks in advance for the recommendation!

    1. Thank you for the kind words. 100 percent agree with you, Mick Jagger is so entertaining with his vocals and energetic dance moves. I love The Rolling Stones too, every song is so upbeat and catchy that you can't help sing and dance to it. Speaking of Mick Jagger, The Foo Fighters's last interview with Howard Stern tells how Mick Jagger is an Energizer Bunny 24/7. Here's a link, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cza8o3VKeZI. Last, your welcome, I hope you enjoy the other songs, when you get a chance to listen to them.


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