Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Chips And Dip: Kit Kat

     As February is National Snack Month, I am going to discuss my favorite snack of all time. I don't usually have a sweet tooth, and eat a lot of candy, especially on Halloween. If I do, then my go to favorite snack or candy is a Kit Kat. 

    I think I love Kit Kat so much, because the taste is better than the other candy bars to me. The idea to cover a wafer bar in chocolate is genius in creating a chocolate bar. The combination of my favorite flavor of chocolate coving with a crunchy bar is such a perfect blend. Then, it's not the taste of the bar that gets someone to try their product. First, the slogan is something to pull someone in to eat a Kit Kat. Second, the commercials stand out more than the other candy bar commercial with a theme song and creative ideas. Third, my favorite part is to break it in two pieces, because it feels satisfying to do it.

    To begin, the slogan is just great, "Have a break, have a Kit Kat." This is good labeling by the company, because the slogan is trying to say, a Kit Kat is a type of snack to bring on 15 minute break at work. Also, it's kind of suggesting the audience, if they are working hard at work or studying, to take 5 seconds of your busy life to eat a Kit Kat. This is just great marketing to make a Kit Kat more than a candy bar, but a routine snack to have on a person's break. 

    Next, the commercials have a style that different from other candy bars. I love how this candy bar has like an iconic instrumental theme song in the commercials, because they used an unique element of their candy bar by breaking the bar in two in the theme. It's so clever and catchy that the beat of the theme song is people breaking the candy bar in half. Also, the beat is very melodic for a beat, which I think is something pleasing to listen to, and that is unexpected for a commercial. For example, the one where the Kit Kat breaking beat, but the surrounding of the people's background in the commercial is also doing the melody of the Kit Kat break. If the person is a drummer, then he or she would play the theme song on the drum. 

    Last, I think it's such a great feeling to break a Kit Kat in half. It's hard to explain, but something about doing the action of snapping the bar with your hands like the commercial is worth it. I guess you can do that with any candy bar, but Kit Kat made it a staple in their product that it is made for the breaking action. I think with a Kit Kat, it's an impulse to do it, because other candy bars didn't design their bars like Kit Kat, where I have the urgency to eat in two pieces. 

     Speaking of Kit Kat, I want to share this funny video, I discovered in my Screenwriting class. This guy from India is telling the story, how he never had a Kit Kat until college, when his college roommates brings a bar from the United States. He loved it so much, that he ate the whole thing, and didn't leave any for his roommate. Then, his roommate brought another one and shared it with him. The guy took it and didn't say anything about him eating the whole bar, the first time. I love this story, because I love Kit Kat so much, that what he did is something that I would do. 


    Now, my favorite place to munch on food is a place that I recently went to at winter break. The chain restaurant all over New Jersey called MJ's. Before winter break, I was only there once for a sweet 16 and never had the bar food until now. My friends and I wanted to try something different rather than the same restaurants again. The food was so good, I went there two more times before break was over. The three food items that I had was a personal sausage and pepperoni stromboli, volcano burger, and open face sliced streak sandwich were all really good. Definitely recommend to try if there is one in your area. 

   Hershey's Kit Kat Snack Size



  1. I also think the slogan is ingenious .Very interesting view on the Kit Kat bar especially the association with Kit Kat and with someone's work routine .


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