Tuesday, April 13, 2021

It's Sing-A-Long: My Song To Sing For Karaoke

     From April 17th to April 23rd is the celebration of National Karaoke Week. Today I will discuss the song that I would sing for karaoke.

    A song for karaoke that I would sing in front of people is hard for me, because there are so many songs to choose from, but I have narrowed it down to one song. The song would be "Jukebox Hero" by Foreigner, because it a song that best describes who I am as a person. This is about a person inspired by a band he heard outside in the rain to play the guitar. The character in the song wanted to be rock star at this point, because the sound of the guitar was a life changing moment for the character in the song. Then when the character bought the beat up guitar and the moment he played it, he knew what he wanted to do with his life and being a guitarist would lead to his success in life. 

    I can sing this song badly due to the fact that I can't sing and Lou Gramm is a hard singer to match, but the one thing I have going for me is that I can connect to this song. I can butcher this song to death, however I can express the emotion of this song, because I relate to it so much. When I was younger, my uncle would always play his guitar every time I was over his house. So, like the Jukebox Hero, the moment of my uncle playing guitar was the moment that blew me away, because I wanted to play guitar like my uncle. The first time I held and played my Yamaha guitar like the Jukebox Hero, I knew I wanted to be a guitar player. When I played other instruments before guitar, I never had the same feeling of happiness like I did playing the guitar. "Jukebox Hero" by Foreigner will always be my go to song to sing at karaoke as this song is my anthem of who I am. Here is a link below of the song.              (923) Juke Box Hero - YouTube

                                                                                                            30 Day Song Challenge 
     Learning that it was National Karaoke Week, it reminded of my 30 day song challenge that I do every day since last March. The reason it reminds of that, because one of category is a song you would sing at karaoke. So, if I sing a song at karaoke as a duet, I would pick my guy best friend to sing with me. Karaoke is the one thing after the pandemic is finally over that I would do with my best friend. We jokily pick the most romantic songs that were ever written, because he did one of those challenges too. 

    I would pick the song and always tag him in it and he would do the same back. I told him, we are doing "Don't Go Breaking My Heart" by Elton John and Kiki Dee, "Endless Love" by Lionel Richie and Diana Ross, "Almost Paradise" by Ann Wilson and Mike Reno, "After All" by Cher and Peter Cetera, and "I Had The Time Of My Life" by Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes, when karaoke is open again. He responded back to the Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes song with a question asking if we are doing the "Dirty Dancing" catch. I responded back, "Of course we are! You better catch me.!" He said, he would try, but no promises. The one song that he tagged me for karaoke was "Dancing In The Street," a cover by Mick Jagger and David Bowie. This is probably the least romantic song, but it emphasizes our bromance. Definitely the next chance for a song you would sing at karaoke that I am going to tag my best friend again is to "Up Where We Belong" by Joe Cocker and Jennifer Warnes.     

    I think I do my best singing in the car, because I don't think singing in the shower had the same energy as a car. In the shower, I can hear how bad my singing is and there is no auto-tune to save my singing. In a car, it is completely different, because the radio and your friends are harmonizing with you and it hides your bad singing, where the shower doesn't have that benefit.  It like when the whole crowd is asked by the band or artist to sing with them on the song and some how the singing doesn't sound as bad in a group. When singing on top of your lungs with people that you are close to in a car or strangers in the crowd that harmony of bad singers is pleasant to listen to rather than one bad singer in the shower. 

    Let me know in the comments below, what your favorite song to sing, when you're doing karaoke and where do you do your best singing .  



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