Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Rinse, Wash, Rinse, Wash, and Repeat: Warped Tour

    Groundhog's Day with Bill Murray is about a man living Groundhog's Day every day. The one day I would want to live over and over in my life, it would be the day I went to the big punk rock festival called Warped Tour.
    I pick this day, because it was a show that had multiple stages, so I only saw the bands, I really wanted to see. If I relive the same day over and over, then I don't have choose the bands, and can see them all. I would love the opportunity to have a chance to listen to new bands, because listening to bands for the first time is a cool experience to me, and if I like them, it another band in my music collection. 
    The first day, I would see all the bands on the first stage, then the next day would be the second stage, and so on until I watch every band on every stage. After, I watch them in order, I guess I would see the bands in different combinations to not see the bands in the same order, because I would lose my mind doing the exactly the same thing over and over. Another reason would be this was one of my favorite shows, I went with my friends, and we had such a great time that I would love to live it again and again.  
    Also, I think it would be really funny, if a one of the bands at the show said the next song is a brand new song, they're playing for the first time, and I know all the words. My friends would look at me funny, because they don't know that this is the 55th time, I lived this day, and I heard the song so many times that I finally know all the words. My friends would be so confused thinking is he using voodoo magic to gain the knowledge of something happening before it happens or is he living the same day every day like in that Bill Murphy's movie. 

1 comment:

Stranded On An Island Albums: Top 42 Pt. 2

      Last time, I started my 4-part blog series called stranded on an island album collection countdown. I talked about 42 to 33 on the lis...